All teams will receive a notification regarding whether they have secured a spot or have been placed on the reserve list. To be on the reserve list, the registration fee must have been paid. Additionally, each team must register at least one coach in step 2 of the registration process
Gentag din e-mail-adresse
Tilføj dine hold og vælg også hvilken type af registrering, du vil gøre.
Læs teksten nedenfor, og marker afkrydsningsfeltet for at indikere, at du accepterer betingelserne inden for
All teams must specify their arrival day and time in Skövde. This should be provided in your registration: Arrival Information no later than March 10, 2025.We will be serving dinner on Thursday, May 1, from 17:00 to 21:00, so it is important that you register your arrival day and time.All matches will start at 11:00 on Friday, May 2, and we will not adjust the match schedule due to late arrivals.
Hvis du har en rabatkode, skal du udfylde den nedenfor
{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}
-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}
{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}
inklusive et depositumsgebyr på {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}
{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}
-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}
{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}
{{payNowCost(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}
-{{payNowDiscount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}
{{payNowAmount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}
inklusive et depositumsgebyr på {{payNowDeposit(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}
FORFALDSDATO {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}
Fakturaen sendes før {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}
Fakturaen sendes på et senere tidspunkt
Please note that there are teams in the registration that will end up on the standby list